Four Financial Planning Facts

October is National Financial Planning Awareness month.  It’s a good time to evaluate your current situation and whether it might make sense to reach out to a financial advisor to put a plan together for you.

Here are four things you need to know about doing a financial plan:

∙         You will talk about more than finances as you develop the plan - Your advisor needs to know about your family, your concerns, and your specific goals.

∙         Your plan is ever changing – Your financial plan can and should be modified through time.  Your goals, expenses, and income will change and so should your plan.

∙         You will have a better idea of what you can safely spend – Many people are anxious about their finances, simply because they don’t know where they stand.

∙         A plan will help you make informed life decisions – Making decisions like when to retire, or how much you can spend on college for your kids will be easier if you have a complete picture of your finances.

Financial planning does not have to be scary and can give you peace of mind.  If you have questions about your financial situation, reach out to us and we can get the process started for you.


Tomorrow's Finances Today: Millennials, Gen Z, and Financial Planning in the Digital Age